Arts and culture is vital to a vibrant and healthy community. MAWA provides skill building at all levels; life-long education; mentorship; community; and advocacy. Our exciting programs reflect the highest standards of ethics and excellence. We are proud of all that we have accomplished over the years. Our greatest assets are our members and patrons. We couldn’t do all this valuable work with out you!

During the month of July all donations made through our website will benefit our Legacy Fund.

Donations to this endowment fund support MAWA’s long-term goal: to raise enough money to support the Foundation Mentorship Program (FMP) in perpetuity. We want to ensure that no generation of women and gender-diverse artists will be without this transformative professional program. Over the past 40 years, we have seen the impact of FMP. Mentees report “It has changed my life,” “My art career is so much further ahead,” and “It has given me the confidence to say, ‘I am an artist.’”

The Legacy Fund, held at the Winnipeg Foundation, was established in 2004 and has grown to over $240,000 today. Every dollar raised is partially matched by the Winnipeg Foundation and then partially matched again by Canadian Heritage. This means that a $5 donation ends up as $8.50 in the Legacy Fund account!

Thanks to the work of MAWA Board members and the generosity of donors like you, we are almost halfway to our goal of raising $500,000. Together, we will make this big dream a reality.

MAWA will provide a charitable tax receipt for donations $20 or more. The receipt will be sent by mail.

How can you help?

There are many ways to give to MAWA. You can designate your gift to a specific program or purpose, such as supporting the Foundation Mentorship Program or skills-based workshops, or make a general gift to be applied where it’s needed most. You can also help to ensure MAWA’s future by a giving a gift to the Legacy Fund.

Donate online

Use the form on this page to make a one-time secure donation online using your VISA, Mastercard, or American Express.

Recurring online donations

Canada Helps is a charity which makes supporting MAWA even easier by allowing for a one-time gift or a monthly donation on your credit card.

Donate by cash or cheque

Please indicate if you would like to designate your gift to a specific program/purpose and mail or drop off your donation to MAWA, 611 Main St, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1E1.


You may also leave us a bequest in your will. Please call us for more information or speak to your estate planner.

Through the Winnipeg Foundation

We are grateful to the Winnipeg Foundation for accepting gifts on MAWA’s behalf, which will go to our Legacy Fund. You donate online and also by mail by writing a cheque payable The Winnipeg Foundation, and sending it directly to The Winnipeg Foundation at 1350 One Lombard Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0X3. For information (204) 944-9474, or donate online at

Through a Gift of Securities

Your gift of publicly listed securities is exempt from any capital gains tax. Please contact your financial advisor to arrange this charitable gift