Through your membership fee, you contribute to the health and success of our organization. Membership supports the intellectual and creative development of visual artists from feminist perspectives.

Membership costs just $30 for regular membership, and $15 for students or the underemployed.

Memberships are also available:

  • By downloading the membership form (PDF) filling it out and sending it by mail to MAWA (203-329 Cumberland Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3B 1T2) with cheque or cash payment
  • In person at MAWA's office (203-329 Cumberland Ave. Winnipeg) Wednesday - Friday, 10am - 4pm with cash, cheque, debit or credit card
  • Over the phone with a credit card by calling 204-949-9490
  • By sending an Interac E-Transfer to [email protected] (please also send us your mailing address and phone number if it is a new membership, or any changes to your contact info if it is a membership renewal)

Membership perks:

As a member you can also: