Artist Teachers Group December Meeting

  • Monday, December 7, 2015
  • MAWA, 611 Main Street

At our next meeting, we have each committed to bringing in some kind of artwork/piece in progress. This can be something you're just experimenting with, or something you're really happy with - but NO PRESSURE for it to be anything momentous at all! They key is that it needs to be something that you made OVER THE LAST MONTH - nothing that was made before then! The idea is just to force each of us to get WORKING ON ART.

Here's the plan for our upcoming meeting:

1) Short art activity, hosted by Corrine!
2) Gallery walk - we'll put all our pieces out on display and have an opportunity to respond to the pieces. Rather than have a 'formal" critique - and rather than having everyone "explain" their art - the intention here is to just allow the audience to engage with the work in a non-threatening, non-judgmental way! This will be led by Cheryl.
3) Short writing activity by Chenoa - ***please bring your sketchbook or something to write in.***

Free! All artist/ teachers welcome!