Beaded Snowflakes Keychain with Beth Hall - Dec 4

  • Monday, December 4, 2023
  • 6:00pm – 8:00pm
  • MAWA, 611 Main St, Winnipeg, MB
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In this workshop Beth Hall will teach participants to make a beaded snowflake keychain.

MAWA has decided to start charging a small materials fee for these workshops. Unfortunately, when programs are free, some people sign up but do not show up. This wastes materials and staff time preparing kits that are never used, unnecessarily increasing program costs. Worst of all, folks who want to participate are unable, because the session is fully booked. Because of this, MAWA needs to start charging for this program. If finances are a barrier, please contact Niamh at [email protected].

Beth Hall

About Beth Hall

Hall writes, “Boozhoo! My name is Waabiski Maa’ngan Ikwe – White Wolf Woman. I am the creator of From Turtle Island, which creates beadwork. I started at the beginning of COVID, and never would have imagined I would have found my passion in life so young. Through every day and every piece, I am grateful I am able to create and express. Every creation has a special place in my heart, and I hope the same for my ideas and creations to find a special place in other people's hearts as well.” Join her in making this wintry piece, just in time for the holidays.

About the Cross-Cultural Beading Circle

Everyone is invited to learn and/or work independently in a welcoming atmosphere. No experience necessary. Novice and experienced beaders of all cultures, ages and genders are welcome.

Sessions feature a guest beader, who will share their history with beading and their techniques. A materials kit (incl. beads, thread, cloth and leather) will be available.

Each instructor will offer their workshop twice, to create opportunity for more participants (do not enroll in both sessions of the same workshop). Register above and if you find you cannot attend, please cancel with ample lead time so folks on the waiting list can participate.

$10 materials fee. All welcome! Spaces are limited (17)