Displacement 1999-2000 (Detail) by Lita Fontaine
- Friday, October 7, 2016
- 12:00pm – 1:00pm
- MAWA, 611 Main Street
Leah Fontaine will present a re-interpretation of Indigenous women's artwork, as a base for understanding the effects of residential schools, the 60s scoop and their intergenerational legacies. Using a spirit mender model, she will explore art as a tool for dealing with and healing historical trauma.
** Please note Maureen Matthews' talk originally scheduled for this date has been postponed **
Free admission, everyone welcome!
Leah Fontaine is a sessional instructor at the University of Manitoba School of Art, where she is currently in the final year of her Bachelor of Education. She also has a BA in theatre, a BFA and a MA in Native Studies, and is the former Aboriginal Outreach Coordinator at MAWA.