Mini Beaded Moccasin Earrings with Jeanette Sayies - Online and In-Person

  • Monday, December 13, 2021
  • 6:00pm – 8:00pm
  • MAWA, 611 Main Street

Learn how to make Mini Beaded Moccasin Earrings with Jeanette Sayies - In Person or Online

To sign up email Niamh Dooley at [email protected]. Let Niamh know if you are planning to paricipate online or if you want to come in person. You will also need to state if you have something beaded that you will want to add edging to or we have some centers that one row of beads can go around to add edging to for earrings.vOnline and in person spaces are limited.

If you are joining online, kits can be picked up in advance at MAWA or Niamh can deliver a kit to you, Winnipeg addresses only, on Sunday, December 12.

If you are joining in person, please present your proof of vaccination when you arrive. Masks and distancing are also required.

About Cross-Cultural Beading Circle

Do you miss gathering in person to bead? If so come to MAWA on Monday evenings (pending public health rules). Do you prefer to gather virtually? Join the circle via Zoom. Everyone is invited to share their skills, learn and/or work independently in a welcoming atmosphere. No experience necessary. Novice and experienced beaders of all cultures, ages and genders are welcome.

Some sessions are unstructured and provide an opportunity to work on our own projects, together. Other sessions feature a guest beader, who will share their history with beading and their techniques. When there is a guest, a kit of free materials (incl. beads, thread, cloth and leather) will be available for you at MAWA. If you are joining in via Zoom, you can pick it up in advance, or it can be delivered to you. Note that numbers for these sessions will be limited. To register, email Niamh at [email protected] or call 204-396-0505.

Free! All ages and genders welcome. To sign up email Niamh Dooley at [email protected].