Thinking Through Thread with Barb Hunt - March Meeting

  • Wednesday, March 9, 2022
  • 6:00pm – 8:00pm
  • Online with Zoom

This seven-month fibre intensive (September – March) will focus on the magic of how threads are transformed into art. Each session will delve into a different aspect of textiles as witnesses to our lives. Topics will include: the environment; love, healing, and the body; death, mourning, and the spiritual; clothing; identity and memory; activist and performative textiles; and the future of fibre. Threads of feminist thinking will run through each session, as will the importance of Indigenous threads. Sessions will include slide lectures, readings, discussion, looking at the work of artists and makers and more.

Topics will include: identity and memory (Sept 8); the environment (Oct 6); love, healing, and the body (Nov 10); activist and performative textiles (Dec 8); clothing (Jan 12, 2022); death, mourning, and the spiritual (Feb 9); identity and memory; and the future of fibre (Mar 9).

Free! For women and gender minority fibre artists. Register by emailing Barb at [email protected]. Spaces are limited.