Drawing Practices with Kristen Pauch-Nolin (Part II)

  • Application Deadline
    Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 4:00pm
  • Thursday, April 16, 2015
  • MAWA

Drawing can function as a foundation, a preparatory element or an end product within artistic practice. The act of creating lines, moving a stylus, or exploring the inner and outer edges of form is an integral action that is shared within the human experience. In this Mini-Mentorship participants will consider and explore the breadth of drawing, and how artists interpret it both as a technical and conceptual practice. All artists interested in incorporating drawings into their work (in any medium) can take part. The mentorship format will include critique, presentations and creating. Participants will collectively re-imagine what a drawing is and what it can be.

Free to apply; $50 enrollment fee. For MAWA members only.

  • Kristen Pauch-Nolin has worked as an artist, teacher, curator and administrator for more than 20 years. Her artwork has been shown in galleries across Manitoba, Canada and internationally. As a curator and writer, she has contributed catalogue essays, articles and reviews to gallery publications, art magazines and newspapers, and as an administrator has worked for organizations including the Manitoba Arts Council, Manitoba Arts Network, Arts and Cultural Industries Association of Manitoba, Saskatchewan Potters Guild and the Kingston School of Art. Pauch-Nolin currently teaches Design History and drawing courses at Red River College. Previously she taught at the University of Manitoba, the University of Saskatchewan, the Winnipeg Art Gallery Studio and many community groups. She holds a MFA Degree from the University of Saskatchewan with a major in Extended Media (textiles and ceramics). - See more at: http://mawa.ca/mentorship/mini-mentorships/#sthash.X3WymAwg.dpuf