Gauntlet Making with Gloria Beckman

  • Saturday, December 6, 2014
  • 611 Main Street

As a continuation of our exploration of beading and leatherwork, we have invited Gloria Beckman back to MAWA. Those of you who beaded vamps with her last fall or made mukluks with her last winter know the deep level of craftspersonship and cultural connection she brings to these practices. In this Craft Skills Workshop, participants will learn the art of designing their very own personal style of gauntlet mittens. You will learn: - various types of leather and fur that can be used - how to cut the leather and fur - the best type of lining for each individual’s needs - ways to save money while creating gauntlets - pattern making While Beckman is teaching us the techniques, she will share her stories. She will recount her experience of growing up in the bush and explain the traditions she was raised with. Beckman will also offer a little show and tell, revealing many creative possibilities for gauntlet-making. At the end of the two-day workshop you will walk away with new mittens to keep your fingers warm during the winter months! The workshop registration fee includes basic materials for the gauntlets. Feel free to bring your own materials and any special items you would like to add to your gauntlets.

$75 for MAWA members (includes materials); Registration and payment deadline: Wednesday, December 3

  • Gloria Beckman grew up speaking her traditional tongue, Woodlands Cree “TH” dialect. She spent cold days and nights learning how to bead, how to make moccasins/mukluks, how to birch bark bite and how to make birch bark baskets. As she says, crafting and artmaking “built strong bonds between the women in my family as they sat sharing stories while creating.”