Make and Grow Microgrants for MAWA Members

  • Application Deadline
    Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Thursday, January 21, 2021

Make and Grow Microgrants of $300 each are available to help fund creative projects in the visual arts and professional development. Tell us how we can help you achieve your shortterm goals and needs. Do you need to buy materials to make a particular piece? Rent a studio in which to create? Hire a senior artist for feedback, advice or help writing a grant application? Take a workshop? We seek project proposals from MAWA members at all levels of their career, including students, and of all backgrounds and genders.

These microgrants are intended to provide rapid support in these uncertain times, when many artists have had exhibitions and other work suspended, postponed or cancelled.

Adjudication will be based on your proposal for creation (what you want to make and what you need to make it) and/or your professional development plan (what you want to do to move your practice forward). Proposals for all visual arts media (including film and performance) are welcome. Previous recipients of a Make Anything Microgrant or a Make and Grow Microgrant are not eligible to apply.

The application process is purposefully quick and easy. None of us need to be spending even more time on computers these days! Go to to apply, and then let’s get back to making and learning. Any questions? Contact Adriana at [email protected].

We seek project proposals from MAWA members at all levels of their career, including students, and of all backgrounds and genders.